Sunday 27 March 2011

C.W.C. Club News 26.3.11

Hello all, Sorry for the lack of posts. I am having a hard time getting down to the club because of work and life commitments. The club was on last Saturday and 6 of us managed a game of Napoleonics and you can see the results here: I believe there were 2 games on the go yesterday with a pretty impressive 15mm ACW battle with trench layout defended by the Rebs with a huge Union army assaulting. Also Stuart and Jonathan fought out a Warhammer Fantasy game. There was a good turn out with a few visitors too. Again the offer still stands if anybody wants to take a few pics and send them over to me I will post them on the club blog. Cheers Paul

Tuesday 1 March 2011

Naps 26.2.11

Managed to make it down to the club this Saturday and 5 of us had a good game of Naps. A bit short for time at the moment so I have added a link to the battle report on my Napoleonic blog:
